Are teeth defects and imperfections stealing the spotlight from your confident smile? Grab a Hollywood smile in Istanbul, Turkey, for a camera-ready transformation and up to 94-96% savings compared to UK/US! Read on to discover the cost, top clinics & dentists for your new smile.

Watch on YouTube: “Smile Like a Star: Get Your Hollywood Smile in Istanbul”
Istanbul Hollywood Smile

A Hollywood smile in Turkey has double advantages: it enhances your appearance and improves oral health.

It is the most sought-after treatment by actors and influencers!

Keep scrolling down to explore the details of this procedure to enhance your smile line.

Hollywood Smile in Istanbul, Turkey: Snapshot

  • No. of Visits: 1-2 visits
  • Days Taken: First Visit – 1 to 4 days, Second Visit – 2 to 8 days
  • Average Price: €300/$330
  • Procedures for Smile Design: Veneers, tooth implants, dental crowns, teeth whitening, gum contouring, Invisalign
  • Technology: Dental GPS software, CEREC, lasers, 3D scanners
  • Top Brands: Hiossen (USA), Nobel Biocare, Straumann (Swiss), Osstem, Ivoclar Vivadent
  • Warranty/Guarantee: 5 to 20 years and sometimes a lifetime guarantee

Along with this comprehensive information, let us also view our countless satisfied patients’ reviews & before and after snapshots.

Hollywood Smile in Istanbul, Turkey: Reviews

Explore Hollywood smile patient experiences to understand why Istanbul is their top choice for enhancing appearance, functionality, and confidence.

Hollywood Smile in Istanbul, Turkey: Before and After

From yellowed to pearly white, misaligned to perfectly straight, and missing to brand new—we’ve revolutionized every aspect.

Witness these before and after flawless smile transformations in the images given below.

Smile transformation with Istanbul Hollywood Smile

Before & After Istanbul Hollywood Smile

Smile transformation with Istanbul Hollywood Smile

Before & After Istanbul Hollywood Smile

Smile transformation with Istanbul Hollywood Smile

Before & After Istanbul Hollywood Smile

Smile transformation with Istanbul Hollywood Smile

Before & After Istanbul Hollywood Smile

Are you worried that these transformations might break the bank? Don’t be.

Find below a detailed cost breakdown that will help you save money.

Cost of Hollywood Smile in Istanbul, Turkey

The cost of Hollywood smile in Istanbul, Turkey, ranges from €40 to €2,000.

Depending on the procedure, you can save up to 94% in Istanbul compared to the UK.

For example, dental implants in Istanbul are priced at just €200 compared to €3,100 in the UK.

Similarly, Istanbul dental veneers and teeth whitening start at only €120, saving you 74% to 87% compared to the UK.

A comprehensive overview of the cost comparison of dental procedures in Istanbul, Turkey, versus the UK can be seen below.

Procedure Turkey UK Savings
Dental Implant^ €200 €3,100 94%
PFM Crown* €110 €800 86%
Emax Crown* €220 €1,400 83%
Zirconia Crown* €150 €1,400 89%
Porcelain Crown* €130 €1,150 88%
Emax Veneer* €230 €1,400 84%
Zirconia Veneer* €180 €1300 86%
Porcelain Veneer* €160 €1,220 87%
Emax Laminate Veneer* €230 €900 74%
Composite Resin Veneer* €120 €460 74%
Gingivectomy** €40 €100 63%
Invisalign (per jaw) €2,000 €5,020 60%
Teeth Whitening (In-office) €130 €630 79%
^With abutment *Per unit **Per tooth
#All prices are case dependent

The cost of Hollywood smile in Istanbul, Turkey, ranges from $40 to $2,180.

Depending on the cosmetic dental treatment, Istanbul can offer you discounts of up to 96% compared to the US.

The most in-demand Invisalign procedure and premium Emax crowns are priced at only $2,180 and $240 in Istanbul, respectively.

In comparison, the same treatments in the US are charged at $7,000 and $2,000, respectively.

This huge price difference allows savings worth a whopping 69% to 88% on these procedures.

Compare these Istanbul and US costs in the table below and discover the incredible savings!

Procedure Turkey USA Savings
Dental Implant^ $220 $5,000 96%
PFM Crown* $120 $1,100 90%
Emax Crown* $240 $2,000 88%
Zirconia Crown* $165 $2,000 92%
Porcelain Crown* $140 $2,000 93%
Emax Veneer* $250 $1,800 86%
Zirconia Veneer* $200 $2,500 92%
Porcelain Veneer* $175 $2,500 93%
Emax Laminate Veneer* $250 $1,800 86%
Composite Resin Veneer* $130 $1,500 91%
Gingivectomy** $40 $200 80%
Invisalign (per jaw) $2,180 $7,000 69%
Teeth Whitening (In-office) $140 $1,500 91%
^With abutment *Per unit **Per tooth
                                                                                                      #All prices are case dependent

So what are you waiting for? Unlock your self-confidence with these Hollywood smile in Turkey prices!

Also, check out our full mouth dental implants in Turkey package deals for incredible savings of up to 85% compared to the UK & US.

Why is Hollywood Smile Cheaper in Istanbul, Turkey?

Do you know why is it so cheap to get your teeth done in Turkey? Or why are veneers cheaper in Turkey?

Here’s the scoop.

Hollywood smile costs in Istanbul are wallet-friendly due to:

  • Low currency exchange rate [1]
  • Low cost of living when compared to the UK [2]
  • A favorable and more cost-efficient healthcare infrastructure

Smile like a celebrity while saving big!

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Finding the Best Dentists in Istanbul, Turkey, for Hollywood Smile

Selecting top dentists for Hollywood smile makeover procedures in Istanbul, Turkey, does not have to be daunting.

However, it is crucial to factor in the education, training, credentials, and specialized skills of the doctors treating you.

Thankfully, we have simplified your search by offering a tailored list of board-certified dentists in Istanbul.

Trust their expertise and experience for a stunning and healthy smile with the best price guarantee.

Wondering where celebrities get their teeth done in Turkey? Look no further. We’ve got you covered.

What Are the Best Clinics in Istanbul, Turkey, for Hollywood Smile?

Learn how to pick a clinic for a Hollywood smile procedure in Turkey with our expert guidance.

These clinics provide a luxurious experience similar to a hotel or spa, boasting outstanding customer service.

Additionally, they incorporate dental brands like Ivoclar Vivadent, 3M, and Botiss.

Furthermore, all materials are sourced from Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, and the USA.

Learn all about the Hollywood smile clinics in Istanbul below.

Get top-notch care at a low cost!

Book an appointment

Benefits of a Hollywood Smile in Istanbul, Turkey

A Hollywood smile in Istanbul, Turkey, is a cost-effective way to restore the aesthetics and oral health of deteriorated teeth.

With top-notch facilities and certified dentists, you can get a long-lasting smile design in Istanbul.

Explore other reasons to choose Istanbul for a Hollywood smile below.

Hollywood Smile in Turkey offers far more affordable prices than your home country.

You will save up to 96% in Istanbul.

Our partner clinics have been successfully dealing with international patients.

In addition to offering a thorough diagnosis and treatment plan, they maintain quality control.

This is done using top-quality dental materials such as Ivoclar Vivadent, 3M, and Botiss.

The use of the latest equipment and technologies like dental GPS software and 3D scanners also help deliver superior quality of work.

These clinics hold certifications from the ISO (10002:2018, 45001:2018) and the TDB association in recognition of their exceptional services.

You get treated by the best dentists in a comfortable, stress-free environment.

Many of them are members of prestigious organizations like ITI and TDA and have more than 10 years of experience in the specialty.

The staff and dentists at our partner clinics can speak fluent English. So you don’t have to worry about communication during your dental work.

Istanbul is one of the major cities in Turkey. It has comfortable travel options from many European cities.

In addition, our partner clinics offer airport transport services. So, reaching the clinic is a smooth process.

Istanbul, Turkey, not only provides access to advanced technology but also a chance to explore a beautiful city.

A treasure trove of culture and history makes it a famous tourist spot offering a refreshing break in your busy life.

Benefits of a Hollywood Smile in Istanbul, Turkey

Benefits of a Hollywood Smile Istanbul, Turkey

All in all, the answer to why is Istanbul a good place for cosmetic dental procedures in Turkey lies in its renowned clinics, skilled dentists, and comfortable travel options.

With that said, let us see the various cosmetic procedures you can choose from.

All You Need To Know About Hollywood Smile in Istanbul, Turkey

These days, it’s not just about oral health. Dental aesthetics are stealing the spotlight!

Chips, breaks, and stains on teeth can all detract from the beauty of your smile.

Moreover, wider gaps (diastema) can hinder the appearance of front teeth. [3]

Further, a smile impacts your facial beauty, social relations, and mental well-being. [4]

Hollywood Smile offers a collective treatment to answer smile troubles. [5]

It includes various dental treatments that vary with individual needs.

Curious to discover all the details about this treatment? Continue reading.

Who Are Suitable Candidates for a Hollywood Smile?

Hollywood smile can be a help if you hide your smile for teeth problems like: [6]

  • Wide spacing
  • Stains and discoloration
  • Prominent gums
  • Small chips or cracks

Cosmetic Procedures Related To Hollywood Smile in Istanbul, Turkey

Cosmetic procedures in Istanbul for a Hollywood smile include crowns, veneers, teeth whitening, implants, and more.

Typically, cosmetic dental work in Istanbul, Turkey, or any Hollywood smile treatment, aims at improving teeth [7]

  • Color
  • Alignment
  • Shape
  • Position

Crowns are tooth-colored ceramic material caps or covers placed on existing damaged teeth or implants.

Dental crowns in Istanbul, Turkey, can be categorized into different types based on their material.

They can be porcelain, zirconia, PFM, or Emax crowns.

The procedure for crowns entails your dentist:

  • Preparing your tooth by trimming it
  • Collecting impressions and sending them for crown fabrication
  • Fixing the prepared crown prosthesis using dental cement or adhesive

Source: Health Direct [8]

Dental Crown on an Implant and Damaged Tooth

Dental Crown on an Implant and Damaged Tooth

Veneers are thin, tooth-colored shells that enhance the appearance of front teeth and improve any staining or color defects.

Other than porcelain veneers, you can also get zirconia, emax, and composite dental veneers in Turkey.

The veneer procedure might differ depending on the type chosen.

Porcelain or zirconia veneers are custom-made in the lab. They are affixed on the tooth after it is slightly trimmed and etched.

In contrast, the dentist will apply resin directly on teeth for the composite veneers.

Source: Health Direct [9] , Colgate [10]

Dental Veneers

Dental Veneers

Teeth whitening lightens the existing shade of your teeth color. [11]

Your dentist will apply the whitening agent on your teeth by protecting your gums with a rubber dam.

They will then focus the laser light on the whitening agent to speed up the whitening process.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening

Dental implants are screw-like medical devices that are surgically fixed into the jaw.

They act as replacement teeth for missing tooth roots.

Your dentist will fix the artificial tooth over the implants.

Sometimes, this procedure may require a bone graft to improve the overall bone volume.

Apart from aesthetics, these fixed teeth can improve your speech and chewing ability. [12]

Dental Implants Replace Tooth Roots

Dental Implants Replace Tooth Roots

Gum contouring is also called gingival/gum sculpting or gingivoplasty.

Gummy smile correction is done by resculpting your gum line and removing excess gum tissue [13] . This helps redefine the gums and periodontal tissues.

The dentist uses a scalpel or soft tissue laser surgery for this.

Gum Contouring


Orthodontics corrects improperly positioned gapped, crooked, or misaligned teeth. [14]

They include traditional braces or Invisalign, which are clear aligners that fit your teeth tightly.

Dentists apply pressure on your teeth to shift them into the right place, allowing a complete smile makeover with braces. [15]

Invisalign Clear Aligners

Invisalign Clear Aligners

Which Hollywood Smile Procedure Suits You the Best?

Your dentist will help you select the correct cosmetic dentistry procedure for you. This is based on your oral condition.

Listen to one of the top dentists in Istanbul comparing crowns and veneers.

Watch on YouTube: “What”
Istanbul’s Experienced Dentist Compares Dental Crowns and Veneers

Find below whether multiple teeth can be restored in a single Hollywood smile treatment.

How Many Teeth Can Be Restored with a Hollywood Smile?

A Hollywood smile, involving treatments like veneers, dental crowns, implants, etc, can enhance the appearance of one or multiple teeth visible in a smile.

As each smile is unique, tailored treatment is essential to cater to each patient’s individual needs.

But does a smile design in Turkey cover only one procedure? We’ll help you understand better.

Is a Hollywood Smile the Same As Veneers?

No. A Hollywood Smile is not the same as Veneers.

A dental veneer is a thin, tooth-colored layer of material applied to the front teeth.

On the other hand, a Hollywood Smile makeover involves a combination of multiple cosmetic procedures to improve dental function and esthetics.

Is There an Age Limit for Hollywood Smile?

Not at all! You heard that right! There is no age limit to getting your Hollywood smile treatment in Istanbul, Turkey.

Some procedures, such as Invisalign, have specific patient requirements like:

  • 21+ years of age
  • Dental development complete
  • No existing oral conditions or infections
  • Free of gum or any periodontal disease

Other procedures rely only on general factors like the patient’s dental hygiene, teeth condition, and overall well-being.

Scroll further down to know the time taken to get a Hollywood smile.

How Long Does It Take To Get a Hollywood Smile in Istanbul, Turkey?

The time taken in Istanbul, Turkey, to get a Hollywood smile varies with the procedure.

We tabulated the time taken for each procedure below for an easier understanding.

Treatment Visits Time Taken
Dental Implants 2 Visit 1: 4 Days
Visit 2: 8 Days
Dental Crowns 2 3-7 Days
Dental Veneers 2 2-7 Days
Teeth Whitening 1 1 Day
Gum Contouring 1 1 day
Invisalign Case-Dependent Case-Dependent
#Exact treatment duration may vary.

Worried that getting a Hollywood smile procedure might be painful?

The following section will help you.

Hollywood Smile in Istanbul, Turkey: Does It Cause Pain?

Thanks to cutting-edge technology, achieving a picture-perfect smile is more painless and convenient than ever.

However, you might experience some discomfort. The level of discomfort varies depending on the treatment.

For example, teeth whitening is a simple and painless procedure.

Conversely, getting implants or gum contouring can cause temporary pain and discomfort.

For this, you will receive local anesthesia during treatment. Also, you can use painkillers for recovery. [16] [17]

In contrast, getting veneers and crowns involves minimal pain. They will also be done under local anesthesia. [18] [19]

On the other hand, pain caused by aligners is temporary and reduces after 4 weeks. [20]

Remember that any dental treatment can pose some minor complications.

What Are the Risks Associated With Hollywood Smile?

Here are the potential complications that may arise with a Hollywood Smile:

  • Swelling, bruises, infection [21]
  • Implant site bleeding and dislodging
  • Cracks, chips, and falling off of veneers and crowns [22]

Note that following the instructions provided by your dentist will reduce the risk of complications.

Now, let’s learn about caring for your Hollywood smile.

Aftercare Instructions For Hollywood Smile

The key to dental treatment longevity is strict adherence to aftercare instructions!

Here are a few points you need to know to protect your picture-perfect smile.

But how long would your recovery take? Here is the answer.

What Is the Ideal Hollywood Smile Turkey Recovery Time?

The ideal Hollywood Smile Turkey recovery time ranges from a few days to a few months.

Recovery periods for dental implants and gum contouring can take up to a few months.

In contrast, veneers and dental crowns typically require less than a month for recovery before you can undergo another dental treatment.

Simpler treatments like teeth whitening stand out as the quickest procedure, often completed in a day.

Addressing the next concern, let’s explore the duration of this flawless smile. Rest assured, we’ve got you covered.

How Long Does a Hollywood Smile Last?

Note that the lifespan of a Hollywood smile varies with your procedure.

Here, we provide the life span for each dental procedure.

If you’re concerned about the safety of choosing Istanbul Hollywood smile, worry not— as you will be in safe hands.

Is It Safe to Get a Hollywood Smile in Istanbul, Turkey?

Istanbul, Turkey, is a top choice for an affordable smile design treatment globally.

The country excels in dental services, providing each individual a customized and high-quality treatment.

With thorough research, getting a Hollywood smile in Istanbul, Turkey, can be safe for patients and tourists alike.

Below are the key notable features outlined to simplify your task.

  • Success Rate: 96%+ satisfaction rate is offered by our partner clinics
  • Sterilization: Our clinics follow stringent sterilization and hygiene protocols
  • Testimonials: Positive testimonials highlight our happy and satisfied patients
  • Dentist Accreditations: Our dentists are certified by international boards like ADA , ITI , IEDA
  • Clinic Accreditations: Our partner clinics have ISO & TDB accreditations and certification from the Turkish Ministry of Health
  • High-Quality Care: Online consultation, instant messaging service, and responsive customer support

  • Crime Rate: The crime rate in Turkey is 7 times lower than that of the USA [34]
  • Dental Tourism: On average, 150,000 to 250,000 dental tourists visit annually [35]
  • Transportation: Registered taxis or shuttle bus services are safer for local commute [36]
  • Safety: Most destinations in Turkey are safe. However, the UK Foreign Office advises against any travel within 10km of the Syrian border [37]

Istanbul Hollywood smile is safe

Istanbul Hollywood Smile: Is It Safe?

Dental Tourism in Istanbul, Turkey

Ranked 6th globally as a tourist destination, [38] dental work in Turkey provides both a vacation paradise and savings, amounting to 96%.

Travel Requirements:

  • Valid visa
  • Passport valid for 6 months post arrival

Must-visit Places:

Hagia Sophia

Hagia Sophia

Dolmabahce Palace

Dolmabahce Palace

Must-try Delicacies:



Donner Kebab

Donner Kebab

Moreover, two prominent cities in Turkey are also emerging as dental tourism hotspots.

Check them out below.

But before you get there, it’s time to delve into some common inquiries.


The cost of a Hollywood smile in Istanbul, Turkey, ranges from €40 to €2,000 ($40 to $2,180).

The price may vary depending on the procedures you need and the complexity of your case.

But you can expect to save 94-96% compared to the UK and the US!

Addressing a gummy smile involves several approaches:

  • Laser treatment, which corrects it by shortening the gums.
  • Veneers/crowns: Combining veneers and crowns with laser procedures helps reshape the gums.

Turkey's teeth do not look fake.

When skillfully crafted by an experienced dentist, they can achieve a remarkably natural look that seamlessly blends with your original teeth.

You cannot completely return to the initial condition of your original teeth after veneers in Istanbul, Turkey.

Dentists can remove the veneers, but replacing them with new ones is essential.

Get the smile of your dreams!

I'm ready