Want to get your dream smile back but scared of high costs in the US and UK? Get high-quality all on 4 dental implants in Izmir, Turkey, and save upto 92%. Keep reading to learn about the cost, best clinics, all-inclusive packages, dentists, and more.

All in 4 Dental Implants in Izmir

All on 4 Dental Implant System


Find the apt full mouth dental implants in Turkey package deals to get your dream smile within your budget!

All on 4 Dental Implants in Izmir Snapshot

  • No. of Visits: 2 trips
  • Days Taken: First visit: 4 days, Second visit: 7 days
  • Average Price: $3,440 (€3,112)
  • Technology Used: CBCT, 3D scanners, CEREC, CAD-CAM, and Digital implant рlаnnіng ѕоftwаrе
  • Top Brands: Straumann, Nobel Biocare, Osstem, Hiossen, Zimmer Biomet
  • Warranty: All these brands offer a lifetime warranty.
  • Other Advantages: International sterilization standards in clinics, board-certified, globally-trained dentists, free advice upon return

All on 4 Dental Implants in Izmir: Before & After

Look at our patients’ amazing before and after images after getting full mouth implants.

They can give you insight into the transformation you can expect in Turkey.

Before & After: All on 4 Implants in Izmir

Before & After All on 4 Dental Implants in Izmir

Smile Transformation After All on 4 Implants in Izmir

Smile Transformation After All on 4 Implants in Izmir

All on 4 Dental Implants in Izmir: Reviews

Read heartful testimonials from our patients who have undergone successful implant procedures below.

Visit this Turkish city to revamp your smile.

Want to know the price of all on 4 implants in Izmir? Read below to find out.

Cost of All on 4 Dental Implants in Izmir, Turkey

All on 4 dental implant cost in Izmir is €2,000, while the same procedure would cost around €15,000 in the UK.

This price includes the cost of implants, airport pickup, hotel transfers, consultations, and medications.

You can save up to 86% compared to the UK cost.

Read the table below for a detailed cost analysis between different brands.

All on 4 Price in Izmir vs. UK
Procedure (Brand) Izmir UK Savings
All on 4 implants (Evoss, Implura) €1,200 €15,000 92%
All on 4 implants (Osstem) €2,000 €15,000 86%
All on 4 implants (Bicon) €2,800 €15,000 81%
All on 4 implants (Straumann) €3,200 €15,000 79%
All on 4 implants (Alpha Bio) €3,250 €15,000 78%
All on 4 implants (Nobel Biocare) €4,000 €15,000 73%
Bone graft €160 €2,300 93%
Sinus Lift €180 €2,000 91%
*Fixed bridge per jaw, per unit

#Prices may vary with each case

The cost of all on 4 dental implants in Izmir is $2,100, while the same procedure would cost around $24,000 in the US.

This price includes the cost of implants, airport pickup, hotel transfers, consultations, and medications.

You can save up to 91% compared to the US cost.

Read the table below for a detailed cost analysis between different brands.

All on 4 Price in Izmir, Turkey vs. US
Procedure (Brand) Izmir US Savings
All on 4 implants (Evoss, Implura) $1,300 $24,000 94%
All on 4 implants (Osstem) $2,100 $24,000 91%
All on 4 implants (Bicon) $3,000 $24,000 88%
All on 4 implants (Straumann) $3,500 $24,000 86%
All on 4 implants (Alpha Bio) $3,410 $24,000 85%
All on 4 implants (Nobel Biocare) $4,360 $24,000 81%
Bone graft $170 $2,500 93%
Sinus Lift $200 $2,200 90%
*Fixed bridge per jaw, per unit

#Prices may vary with each case

Packages for All on 4 Implants

In addition to offering reasonable prices, our partner clinics also boast incredible packages.

Have a look.

Are you unsure about how to pay at our affiliated clinics? Continue reading ahead.

Payment Methods

  • Bank transfer
  • Credit/ debit cards
  • Cash

Why Is It So Cheap To Get All on 4 Dental Implants in Izmir, Turkey?

Dental work in Izmir, Turkey, is cheaper than in the US or UK. This is due to the following reasons:

  • Turkey has a lower cost of living, lesser rent, and business costs when compared to other countries such as the UK or USA. [1]
  • Low currency exchange rate. [2]
  • Due to the intense competition, clinics provide attractive and competitive pricing for international patients. [3]

However, the affordability of these procedures should not be mistaken as a compromise on quality.

Our partner clinics use the latest technology and high-quality materials and follow global sanitization protocols to offer you quality dental care.

Get the smile of your dreams while saving~92%

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Why Choose All on 4 Implants in Izmir, Turkey?

Turkey offers you advanced dental care powered by state-of-the-art technology and skilled professionals

Below are the various substantial factors that make it a hub of exceptional dental care.

  • Affordability | Cut treatment costs by 92%
  • Minimal wait times | Convenient scheduling
  • Top dental clinics | Global safety standards
  • High-quality dentistry | Trusted implant brands
  • Board-certified dentists | 15- 20 years of experience
  • Cutting-edge technology | CT Scan, Panoramic X-rays, and 3D-imaging

Benefits of Getting All on 4 in Izmir, Turkey

Choosing the right clinic and dentist might be daunting. Do not fret!

Our team has picked some of the top dental facilities in Izmir for you.

Look down and take a look.

Best Clinics for All on 4 Implants in Izmir, Turkey

Our partner clinics use state-of-the-art technology and follow the highest quality control measures.

Read on and find one that suits your smile goals!

Now, look at the top dentists working at these dental clinics.

Best Dentists for Dental Implants in Izmir, Turkey

With up to 20 years of experience, dentists in Izmir are exceptionally qualified to give you the best treatment.

To know more about them, read below.

Your dream smile awaits you in Izmir!

Reach out today

Introducing the Concept of All on 4 Implants

All on 4 implants are a full-arch dental implant restoration technique.

This innovative technique facilitates the restoration of an entire dental arch by employing only 4 implants. [4]

It offers a more efficient and cost-effective alternative to traditional implant-supported dentures.

The number of implants, design of implants, and placement of implant abutment upon the:

  • Systemic condition of the patient,
  • Availability of bone,
  • Type of bone, and lastly
  • On the treatment plan decided by the dentist

Source: Research Gate [5]

All on 4 Implants in Izmir, Turkey

All on 4 Implants


What Is an All on 4 Dental Implant?

All on 4 dental implants can be made for both the upper and lower arches and replace the entire teeth set.

During the procedure, two implants are placed at the front of the jaw, while the other two are placed toward the back at an angle.

They help to transform your smile using a bridge fixed with screws, made on just 4 implants.

They are a better alternative as compared to dentures. Dental Implants provide a more natural-looking appearance and help to enhance self-confidence. [6]

Significance of All on 4 Implants in Modern Dentistry

All on 4 dental implants represent a groundbreaking advancement in modern dentistry.

Prior to the advent of implants, people with severe tooth loss had to wear dentures.

Dentures can replace the appearance and functionality of missing teeth. [7]

However, their instability leads to issues like ulcers. [8]

They consequently result in the dentures slipping out of the mouth during speech or eating.

On the contrary, patients who opted for all on 4 got permanent solutions.

Who Is the Ideal Candidate for All on 4 in Izmir, Turkey?

Getting a thorough evaluation by a qualified dentist is crucial for those considering the all on 4 procedure.

However, there are factors that determine the eligibility criteria for availing treatment.

Let’s explore the characteristics that make someone a prime candidate for all on 4 dental implants.

  • People with extensive tooth loss in one or both arches.
  • Strong oral hygiene commitment is crucial for success.
  • Good overall health is a must, with no healing hindrances.
  • Adequate jawbone density is required. However, bone grafting is available as an option.

Source: Colgate [9]

Contraindications of All on 4 Implants

All on 4 dental implants are generally considered safe and effective.

However, there are some conditions that make treatment inadvisable.

Some potential contraindications for the all on 4 dental implant procedure include:

Source: PubMed [13]

What Is the Difference Between All on 4 Implants and Traditional Implants?

Traditional Implants All on 4 Implants
A full fixed bridge may be made using more than 4 dental implants A full fixed bridge made using only 4 implants
Stability and function achieved after the osseointegration period Immediate stability and function
May require bone grafting Minimize the need for bone grafting
Longer recovery period Shorter recovery period


Sources: Journal of Dentistry and Oral Care Medicine [14] and Mayo Clinic [15]

How Many Teeth Do You Get on All on 4 Dental Implants?

All on 4 dental implants can support up to 14 teeth for a single arch.

The implant is placed in areas with the highest bone volume to provide the best results.

Is All on 4 Implant Treatment Painful?

Placing all on 4 dental implants is usually a painless procedure if performed under local anesthesia.

However, some discomfort may arise as it wears off. With careful planning, clinicians can provide painless dental implants with perceivable success. [16]

How Long Do All on 4 Implants Last?

Recent studies have shown that after five years of follow-up, all on-4 dental implants show a 98.1% success rate, and follow-up after ten years has revealed a success rate of 94.8%. [17]

What Is the Recovery Process?

  • The recommended duration of rest postoperatively is 72 hours.
  • The general recovery timeline for complete mouth healing is 5-9 months.
  • Maintain good oral health and hygiene to facilitate healing and prevent infection.

What Are the Benefits of the All on 4 Treatment Concept?

All on 4 implants offer a range of benefits that go beyond traditional tooth replacement methods.

  • Enhanced chewing and speech abilities
  • Preserves bone health and prevents bone loss
  • Natural-looking teeth for aesthetic improvement
  • Long-term efficiency with proper upkeep and care
  • Elevated stability due to strategic implant placement
  • Only four implants are needed, reducing complexity and cost

Source: FDA [18]

Advantages of All on 4 Dental Implants

How Long Does It Take for All on 4 Implants in Izmir, Turkey?

With all on 4, you’ll only need 2 dental appointments.

The entire process typically spans 3-6 months for completion of dental implants in Turkey.

Visit 1

Duration: 4 days

Healing Period

Duration: 3-6 months

Visit 2

Duration: 7 days

Note: A bone graft or sinus lift might extend your days on the first visit

Check out the step-by-step all on 4 implant procedure in the upcoming section.

Procedure of All on 4 Implants in Izmir

All on 4 stands as an effective remedy for those with significant tooth loss.

This treatment aims to restore the functionality and aesthetics of a complete set of teeth.

A concise outline of the procedure is as follows:

The process commences with a dental evaluation involving X-rays, CT scans, and impressions of the mouth.

This enables the dentist to assess your oral health, bone structure, and suitability for the procedure.

Based on the diagnostic outcomes, the dentist makes an individualized treatment plan.

This plan considers factors like oral tissue, bone density, and aesthetics.

If any damaged teeth remain in the arch for the procedure, extractions may be performed.

Thus, ensuring an optimal foundation for dental implants.

During this step, your dentist meticulously places 4 dental implants into the jawbone.

Two implants are positioned straight.

While the two implants are placed at 45-degree angles to maximize the use of existing bone.

This provisional prosthesis offers functional teeth during the healing period.

During this period, implants integrate with the adjacent bone.

In the following months, osseointegration occurs as the implants bond with the jawbone. [19]

This integration furnishes a robust base for the eventual permanent prosthesis.

Upon completion of the healing phase, a definitive, individually designed fixed prosthesis is made.

This enduring set of teeth is securely attached to the implants.

Source: Research Gate [20]

It is noteworthy that the successful execution of the all-on-4 depends on the expertise of a dentist.

Moreover, eligibility for this procedure depends on multiple factors, including bone density and oral health.

Success Rate of All on 4 Implants in Izmir

The success of dental implants depends mainly on the way they function mechanically.

With up to 10 years of follow-up, all-on-4 dental implants have a remarkable 94.8% success rate. [21]

However, it’s important to note that individual success rates can vary based on factors such as:

  • Oral Hygiene
  • Patient Health
  • Bone Quality
  • Surgical Skill

All on 4 treatments offer numerous benefits. However, it’s important to note potential drawbacks and complications.

All on 4 Implants in Izmir, Turkey: Drawbacks & Complications

Failure of the Implant

Despite the high success rate of 94.8%, there remains a possibility of implant failure. [22]

This may occur due to:

  • Infection,
  • Poor healing, or
  • Implant rejection

In case of implant failure, one might have to replace one or more implants.


This is a gum disease that can emerge near implants, causing bone loss and implant problems. [23]

Those with past periodontal issues or lacking good oral care are at a higher risk.

Note: Early detection and proper management can help mitigate these complications.

Aftercare Tips for All on 4 Dental Implants

All on 4 dental implants aftercare forms an integral part of the recovery process after the procedure.

Post-operative care is essential to prevent complications like peri-implantitis, peri-mucositis, or even implant failure.

Dental implant aftercare includes the following tips:

Oral Hygiene

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day using a soft-bristled toothbrush.
  • Floss gently around the implant-supported bridge to remove food particles.

Dietary Considerations

  • Initially, stick to a soft diet to avoid unnecessary pressure on the implants.
  • Avoid chewing on hard substances like ice, nuts, etc, that could damage the implants.

Avoid Grinding and Clenching

  • Excessive force on the implants can lead to complications.
  • Thus, consider using a night guard if you have a habit of grinding or clenching your teeth.

Smoking and Alcohol

  • Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can hinder the healing process.
  • Avoiding these habits is advised as they may increase the risk of implant failure.

Regular Dental Visits

  • Schedule and attend regular check-ups with your dentist.
  • They will monitor the health of your implants and address any concerns promptly.

Source: FDA [24]

Post-Implant Surgery Diet

Post-Implant Surgery Diet

What Can You Eat After an All on 4 Implant Surgery?

You can resume your daily activities 3-4 days after the procedure. However, diet restrictions would last longer.

1-2 weeks post surgery:

  • Opt for a liquid, no-chewing diet. Avoid hot or spicy liquids.
  • Consume plenty of fluids in small amounts throughout the day.
  • Drinks such as coconut water, milkshakes, meal-replacement shakes, and smoothies provide nutrition without a solid diet.

Two weeks – 3 months post-surgery:

  • Foods that require minimum chewing are best suited for this period. Some good options are
  • Mashed fruits, baked vegetables, soft breadcrumbs, cheese, eggs, and yogurt

NOTE: Some swelling and bruising are common after the procedure. [25]

Applying a cold compress for the first 48 hours can help reduce swelling.

If swelling persists or worsens, contact your dentist.

How to Reach Izmir, Turkey?

Izmir is a city on the west coast of Turkey in the Gulf of Izmir.

Since the rise of dental tourism in Turkey, the city has been made easily accessible by all modes of transport.

The most common and efficient way to travel from the UK to Izmir is by taking a flight.

The main international airport serving Izmir is Adnan Menderes Airport (IATA: ADB). [26]

Here's a general outline of the steps to get from the UK to Izmir by flight:

City (IATA/ ICAO) To Izmir
London (LHR/ EGLL) 3 hr 45 min
Birmingham (BHX/ EGBB) 3 hr 55 min
Glasgow (GLA/ EGPF) 4 hr 30 min
Stuttgart (STR/ EDDS) 2 hr 50 min
Copenhagen (CPH/ EKCH) 3 hr 30 min

Upon arriving at Adnan Menderes Airport in Izmir, you can take a taxi or a shuttle to your desired destination.

Our partner clinics are conveniently situated approximately 13 miles from the airport.

You can use the clinic's complimentary airport shuttle to get here.

Reaching Izmir, Turkey by ferry involves a combination of ferry routes and domestic transportation.

Ferry to Greece

Numerous ferry ports from the nearby Greek islands depart for Turkey. [27]

Once you arrive in a Greek port, you need to travel within Greece to reach a ferry departure point for Turkey.

Ferry to Turkey

From certain Greek islands, you can take a ferry to Turkish ports. [28]

Upon arriving in a Turkish port, you can use domestic buses or trains to travel to Izmir.

Note: Before embarking on your ferry journey, it's recommended to confirm the ferry schedules.

Moreover, book tickets in advance if possible, and stay informed about any potential changes.

Documents Required for Entering Izmir, Turkey


  • UK citizens require a passport with a validity of at least 150 days from the date of arrival. [29]
  • However, US citizens must have a passport with 6 months validity from the arrival date. [30]


  • UK citizens do not require a visa for a stay of up to 90 days. [31]
  • US nationals must have a visa regardless of how long they intend to stay. [32]

An e-visa is easily obtained online. Make sure you have all the relevant travel documents while applying.

Is It Safe To Get All on 4 Dental Implants in Izmir, Turkey?

Yes, getting all on 4 in Izmir is a safe option for dental work.

Continue reading to understand the safety standards for both patients and tourists.

  • They employ effective sterilization protocols to ensure patient safety.
  • The dentists here are board-certified and highly skilled with 15-20 years of experience.
  • They make use of cutting-edge equipment like panoramic X-rays, CBCT, and 3D imaging for precise results.
  • Additionally, they use renowned implant brands such as - Straumann, Nobel Biocare, Osstem, and Implura.

Izmir Turkey is a safe destination for travel with a safety index of 73. [33]

Almost 1,00,000 foreign patients visit Turkey each year for dental care. [34]

However, keep in mind the following pointers for a hassle-free journey.

  • Be cautious when driving, especially at night.
  • Avoid taking pictures near military or government facilities.
  • Dress modestly while visiting a mosque or any religious site.
  • Smoking is prohibited in any indoor space or public transportation.
  • Keep an eye on your belongings and make sure they're always locked up.
  • Don't accept rides from strangers. Only take a taxi from an authorized taxi stand.

Source: GOV.UK [35]


Is the high costs of dental implants in the US stopping you from getting that dazzling smile?

Then all on 4 dental implants in Izmir, Turkey, are your savior.

We at Dentavacation can help you find the best clinics and dentists in Izmir while helping you save up to 92%.

Get in touch with us today for a FREE consultation!


The cost of all on 4 dental implants in Izmir is significantly less than in the UK.

Here, you can get all on 4 treatment for only €1,200.

Whereas, the same treatment would cost €15,000 in the UK.

Thus, entails savings of 92%!

Step into a brighter tomorrow with new smile!

Get in touch!