Getting dental crowns in Phnom Penh could be a smile-saving dental trip. Recently, Cambodia is becoming popular as a low-cost dental tourism destination. [1] Phnom Penh, the capital city is also a major tourist destination.

Video Courtesy: Travel Cambodia
Over 5 million tourists visit Cambodia every year. [2]

Ancient temples, royal palaces, and beautiful beaches attract more visitors to the country.

Dental work in Phnom Penh offers you a great opportunity to combine its tourist wonders with low-cost dental treatments.

Dental Crown Costs in Different Countries

The graph compares the dental crown price of Phnom Penh with that of West, Middle East, and Southeast Asian countries.

Dental Crown Cost in different countries

Reference: Web data/ different native clinics

As seen in the graph, the Cambodian dentist’s price for dental crowns is 1/3rd of Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, and Dubai.

Also, it is half of the price in European countries and almost 1/4th of the US and Australia’s price.

Cost of Dental Crowns in Phnom Penh

The dental crown prices are up to 85 % less in Phnom Penh.

To know how cheap is the cost of dental crowns in Phnom Penh compared to the US or Australia, refer to the cost table below.

Dental Work Avg. Cost Comparison (USD)
Procedures US Australia Phnom Penh
Porcelain Crown for Implants $1,800 $2,000 $500
Porcelain Fused to Metal Crown $1,100 $1,600 $200
Ceramic Crown $1,500 $1,800 $200
Zirconium Crown $2,000 $2,200 $350
The price of treatment may change with complexity

As seen in the table, the dental crowns in the US and Australia are 5 to 6 times more expensive than in Phnom Penh.

Where in the States cost ranges b/w 1,000-2,000 USD, one can get crowns under 500$ in Phnom Penh.

Savings are even more when compared to Australia where the crown cost range is 1,500-2,500 USD.

These prices mean they are spending only a fraction of the amount in Phnom Penh that they spend in the US or Australia.

With the savings, they can get a bonus vacation to a wonderful new city as well.

Save up to 85% on dental crowns in Phnom Penh!

Grab your deal

Why Choose Phnom Penh for Dental Crowns?

Single crown is the most familiar restorative procedure. About 2.3 million implant-supported crowns are made annually. [3]

The benefits of choosing dental crowns in Phnom Penh are: [4]

  • Affordable dental crown price
  • Multiple dental procedures available at a single location
  • High-quality safe dental care with hygienic treatment
  • Well-equipped dental clinic
  • The clinic uses renowned brands and materials in dentistry
  • Dentists in Cambodia dental clinic can speak English fluently
  • Safe urban environment and multiple leisure options
  • Tropical climate with warm temperatures all-round the year
  • Affordable food and accommodation due to the low cost of living in Cambodia

A Brief Guide to Dental Crowns

A dental crown is a “cap” customized to cover a tooth. It is cemented into place, perfectly encasing the tooth for full protection.

Purpose of Dental Crown
  • Protect a weak tooth
  • Restore a broken tooth
  • Restore a poorly shaped tooth
  • Cover a root canal treated tooth
  • Cover a dental implant
  • Attach a dental bridge
  • Replace a large filling
  • Make a cosmetic modification

Types of dental crowns

The aim is to:

  • Restore a tooth’s shape and size
  • Increase the tooth’s strength, or enhance performance

Types of Crowns

Temporary Crown
Made in the dentist office
Designed to last for a short time
Used until a permanent crown is made
Fitted with an easily removable adhesive
Same-day Crown
Crown prepared and fitted in one visit
Made in the dentist office
Designed using computer software
Fabricated using a milling machine
Partial Crown
Also known as inlays, onlays, or 3/4 crowns
An alternative option to full crown
Cover three-quarter or more of the tooth
Requires only fewer changes to the natural tooth

Crown Materials in Phnom Penh

Dental crowns are made of different types of material. Each type of crown has its benefits and drawbacks.

These crowns are made of metal or a combination of metals.

Full-metal restorations are considered the gold standard in dentistry due to their exceptional biocompatibility and strength. [5]

Metal Crowns

Full Metal Crown

Full Metal Crown Features
Features Pros √ ; Cons X
Superior strength
Great durability
Withstand high chewing forces
Minimally wear out the opposing teeth
Provide a stronger seal around the tooth
Requires less tooth reduction
Shiny metallic appearance X
Chances of metal allergies [6] X
Best for Lower 1st, 2nd, 3rd molars, and Upper 2nd & 3rd molars
Types: Gold, Base metal alloy, Stainless steel

Ceramic crowns are made of non-metal substances.

Thus, these are suitable alternatives for those with metal allergies.

They are also called full porcelain or all-ceramic dental crowns.

Ceramic Crowns

Ceramic Crowns

Ceramic Crown Features
Features Pros √; Cons X
Long term survival rate of 84-100% (7)
100% full ceramic (8)
Shining and most natural look (8)
Highly biocompatible (8)
Single-visit crown placement is possible (8)
Not abrasive to opposing teeth (8)
No risk of allergic reactions (9)
Milled crowns appear less natural (8) X
If cracked, repairing is impossible (8) X
Less durable than other types (8) X
Vulnerable to breaking and cracking (8) X
Expensive than PFM (7) X
Best for – Front teeth & any other tooth requiring an exquisite cosmetic result
Types- Zirconia, Emax, Lava, CEREC

Source: [7] [8] [9]

They are also called Porcelain Bonded Crown (PBC).

These crowns are a hybrid of porcelain and metal crowns.

Their outer surface is porcelain and the inner is metallic.

PFM Crown

PFM Crown

Porcelain Fused to Metal (PFM) Crown Features
Features Pros √ & Cons X
Long term survival rate of 92 – 96% (10)
More precise fit over the tooth (11)
Great aesthetics and durable (11)
Minor and moderate damages can be repaired (11)
Cost-effective than all-ceramic (10)
Provides strength and support to long bridges (12)
Porcelain may fracture off from metal substructure (11) X
Biocompatibility & corrosion issues with base metal alloys (11) X
More wearing to the opposing teeth (11) X
Not suitable for receding gums (11) X
Not as aesthetic as porcelain crowns (11) X
The gum line of PFM crowns gets darker over time (11) X
Requires greater tooth reduction X
Best for – Back and front teeth
Types – Porcelain fused to base metal alloys/titanium alloys/gold alloy

Source: [10] [11] [12]

Factors to Consider before Selecting a Crown Material

Which material to use for a crown depends on: [13]

Crown Selection

Crown Selection: Factors

Tooth Crown Procedure

The dental crowning process usually takes two visits. During the first visit, your dentist examines whether your tooth can support a crown.

If the tooth is severely damaged, your tooth may need to be filled to make it large enough to receive the crown.

First Visit: Temporary Crown Placement
Tooth Preparation

  • Both tooth and the surrounding gum tissues are numbed
  • Sometimes, numbing may not be required for root canal treated tooth
  • The tooth is shaped trimming all its sides
Tooth Impression

  • The tooth impressions or digital scans (if using CEREC) are taken
  • Impressions of both upper and lower arches are taken
  • For a color-matched crown, tooth color is assessed and recorded to ensure the crown matches
Temporary Crown Placement

  • A temporary crown is worn during the permanent crown preparation time
  • It is cemented using “temporary” cement, for easy removal
  • It covers the tooth and protects it from shifting

Second Visit: Permanent Crown Placement
  • This is a much quicker process, and also an important process.
  • It’s because the crown needs to be positioned correctly to stay in place for a long time.
  • The temporary crown is replaced with the permanent crown
  • The permanent crown is checked for acceptable fit, bite, and smooth margins
  • After necessary adjustments, the crown is cemented with a special adhesive
  • If opting for CEREC-based treatment, a crown fitting would take place the same day as the tooth was prepared.

The Lifespan of Dental Crowns

Although crowns are not designed to last a lifetime they can last several decades.

Studies show that 25% of teeth receiving a crown will eventually require a root canal treatment. [14]

Factors that can affect the longevity of dental crowns are listed below.

  • Type of crown – Full or partial
  • Proper manufacture & placement of the crown
  • Type of crown material (gold, porcelain, etc) used
  • Personal habits like teeth grinding, chewing ice, nail-biting, etc
  • Tooth’s location in the jaw
  • Condition of the anchoring tooth
  • Gum health
  • Oral hygiene and care provided to the crowned tooth
  • Alignment of the teeth & jaw when biting
  • External trauma like accidents

Lifetime Expectancy of Different Crown Materials

The average life expectancy of various crown materials is shown below [15]

Life Expectancy

Life Expectancy of Various Crowns

Tips to Last Dental Crowns

Careful attention to your dental crown can prolong its life. Here are some useful tips to prevent damage to your crowns.

Tips to Last Crowns

Tips to Last Crowns

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Best Dentists in Phnom Penh

Travel Tips

Royal palace, Cambodia

Royal palace, Cambodia

Getting There

You can arrive in Cambodia by

A Cambodian visa can be obtained online, at the airport, Cambodian embassy, or international border checkpoint.

Getting Around

Within the city, you can get around by cars, motorbikes, cycle rickshaws, and tuk-tuks. They can be easily rented through mobile apps.


Phnom Penh offers you an affordable solution to your dental crown needs.

DentaVacation can help you plan to get dental crowns in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

FAQs Dental Crowns in Phnom Penh

Americans and Australians can save up to 85% on the cost of dental crowns in Phnom Penh as compared to that back home.

Yes, patients are given the appointments that suit them the best without any delay.

Yes, children can get dental crowns for primary teeth. Crowns are recommended when their tooth is much decayed and can’t support a filling.

Dr. Steven

Crowns placed on primary teeth are stainless steel temporary crowns.

~Dr. Steven Tuggle, DMD

  • Cambodia’s cost of living is low, [16] hence rents, labor costs, and business rates are less.
  • Therefore, the total price of any dental care becomes cheap for Westerners.

Both mean the same thing. A ‘dental crown’ is the more technically correct word, A ‘cap’ is the term used by the common people.

It depends on how much of your tooth needs filling. If the filling is too large, you can opt for a dental crown. You can correct smaller tooth damage with a filling.

A crown covers the entire tooth and strengthens the structure of the weak tooth. Whereas, veneers are used for aesthetic purposes only. They are placed on the front of the teeth.

No. Like any other dental procedure, local anesthesia is used for the dental crown treatment if required. So, you will not have pain during the procedure.

However, after the anesthesia wears off, you may feel a little discomfort. But the tooth nor crown should not hurt.

It depends on the location of the root canal.

  • You may not require a crown if any of your front teeth are involved.
  • At the same time, the crown is advised if your back tooth needs a root canal.
  • Since heavy chewing happens on the back teeth, the crown protects the root canal-treated tooth.

No. The dentist will measure your tooth size in your first appointment and provide a temporary crown. So, you can have a temporary tooth until your dental crown is prepared.

Yes, there are chances of getting a cavity on a crowned tooth. This is because the crown rests on the natural tooth which is fixed into the jaw and gum. A natural tooth is susceptible to decay and gum disease. [16]

The old fillings underneath the crown can leak bacteria, causing infection. Or, if the root canal is not performed before the crown placement, the tooth nerves are retained. Nerves can be infected when the crown puts pressure on them.

If your dental crown is infected, you may notice any of the below symptoms: [17]  

  • Pain when chewing
  • Swelling of gums
  • Temperature sensitivity
  • A fever
  • Spontaneous throbbing pain

Dental crowns can last for years. However, you may need to replace your crown when you find the following symptoms: [18]

  • The crown is itself worn or has worn down adjacent teeth
  • The crowned tooth experiences decay
  • The crown is cracked, chipped, or damaged
  • Change in the cosmetic appearance of the crown

Temporary crowns are just a temporary fix until a permanent crown is ready. Hence, dentists suggest a few precautions. These include:

  • Avoid sticky, chewy foods which have the potential of pulling off the crown
  • Chew minimally on the side of your mouth with the temporary crown
  • Avoid hard foods which could break the crown
  • Avoid flossing near the temporary crown or slide the floss rather than lifting it out

The temporary crown needs to be removed in 1 to 3 weeks. [19]  

If worn for a long period, the temporary cement can wash out, causing gum recession, gum disease, and tooth decay.

The best time to visit is between November and January due to the cooler temperatures. During this period, there is little rain and spending long days outdoors exploring is more comfortable. [20]

Reclaim your smile with low-cost dental crowns in Phnom Penh!

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