Tooth infections can be painful if left undiagnosed. So, ensure you know the important signs and symptoms associated with most tooth infections.

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Commonly Experienced Teeth Infections

The most commonly seen dental infections include dental caries & periodontal infections. [1]

These affect the oral cavity’s hard and soft tissues and further progress to form abscesses.

An abscessed tooth forms a sac that contains bacteria and pus. [2]

It can be extremely painful and eventually life-threatening if left untreated. [3]

What Are the First Signs of a Tooth Infection?

It is vital to watch out for these early signs of a tooth infection.

You can easily identify these tooth infection signs & symptoms. Use the mnemonic “INFECTION” to remember them.

I: Intense pain associated with a tooth or gums on biting or chewing forces

N: Notable signs of enlargements, swelling, or redness

F: Facial pain that is being radiated to other areas

E: Enlarged nodular swellings in the neck or jaw region

C: Constant dull or intermittent sharp pain

T: Temperature sensitivity in the tooth

I: Intermittent changes in the taste sensations

O: Odour from the oral cavity

N: Not able to open mouth adequately

Source: ADA [4] ,Medicine Net [5]

Risk Factors Leading to Tooth Infections

Some of the most associated causes of a dental infection are [6]

  • Risk Factor #1 Poor oral hygiene habits
  • Risk Factor #2 Increased sugar intake
  • Risk Factor #3 Pericoronitis (infection around wisdom tooth)
  • Risk Factor #4 Dry mouth
  • Risk Factor #5 Crowding of teeth

It is important to not ignore these factors.

As they can prove dangerous if not controlled in time.

Visiting a Dentist

It is important to check your oral cavity status. So, visiting a dentist for a routine oral hygiene checkup is necessary.

It keeps all tooth infections at bay & helps repair any damages done before disease progression.

Moreover, your dentist performs X-rays to confirm the diagnosis based on the signs and symptoms.

In case of an emergency, you can always share these with your dentist, before the appointment.

This will help you get a detailed treatment plan and accurate cost estimate.

Treatment Options

Depending on the case, age, cause, and underlying health conditions, your dentist prescribes: [7]

  • Antibiotics for infection
  • Painkillers to ease the pain

Some elective procedures are also done like:

  • Scaling & root planing
  • Fillings or root canal treatment
  • Extractions & abscess drainage

These procedures are performed by professionals as needed.


Now that you know there is a high risk of infections with poor oral health.

So, make sure you practice good oral hygiene measures.

Call or visit your dentist if you experience any symptoms of a dental infection.


The common symptoms of a spreading infection are pain & discomfort.

Tenderness on chewing or sensitivity to hot or cold are also good predictors.

Additionally, constant throbbing toothache, swelling, redness, & a rise in body temperature is also noticed.

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